Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Our first loose tooth ... x2!!!

Well here we are. 2011, I'm 30 years old, I've got 3 kids and my oldest has 2 loose teeth!! Yesterday The Captain came up to me and said "I think my tooth is loose". I started squealing in excitement for him and his eyes got very wide, his mouth turned into a frown and when I stopped my excited rant asked him "what's wrong?" he replied "I'm scared". I sat him down and told him that under his teeth are more teeth and that the tooth fairy will come and this is a very exciting time! His tune quickly changed and now he wiggles those little teeth every chance he gets.

I must admit, I'm having moments of disbelief on a regular basis these days! I don't know if it's that I'll have 2 kids in school next year (The Captain will be in 5 mornings a week and The Chief will be in 3 mornings a week) or if it's the fact that we are officially not only out of diapers, which we have been for 6 months, but also pull ups! It's only been this past month that everyone has been able to make it through the night! The Chief (who's 4) has been done with diapers and pull up since before his 3rd birthday but my poor little Captain (who's 5 and a half) had the HARDEST time kicking the bed wetting but he's really got it now and it's so exciting! Cutie, who will be 3 in November, is potty trained day and night now too! It's amazing! Just last night I went into the pantry where I keep our plastic grocery bags and the container was overflowing and it hit me, I don't need all these anymore. I looked at Greg and said "Look at all these plastic bags" and he knew what I was getting at and gave me a high 5! HAHA! Back when my kids were in diapers I'd use the plastic bags to put used diapers in. For years I had 2 kids in diapers at some point or another so to I'd go through plastic bags like crazy, often running out completely! Now, I'm overflowing with them and it hits me that my kids are growing up! It's so exciting but I've definitely got moments of disbelief!

So when The Captain showed me his 2 loose bottom front teeth it was another moment of "how is this happening?" I write this with a big smile and a chuckle! I know how it's happening but it still shocks me!
Having these 3 children growing in front of my very eyes makes me appreciate life and try to slow down and enjoy the moments because before I know it they will be grown and it will all be but a distant memory! Isn't life wonderful?

Tuesday, August 02, 2011


I know!! I've been missing in action for almost a month!! I'll tell you the truth. I was doing a Friday's Five post, trying to add photos and to be honest, I got so frustrated I logged out and haven't been back since! WHAT AM I MISSING?? Everyone get awesome pictures and is able to do little collages and I'm pulling my hair out trying to put something together! UGH!!!
Anyway, I'm back. I'll continue to try with the pictures and not get frustrated to the point of avoiding this place all together! HA!
Seems like it's been pretty quiet around here. We're still working on Charlottes Web, the weather had been nice so we've been outside a lot. Greg has been busy with his band the past few weeks ... nothing too crazy to report I don't think! I'll give you a little more of an update soon! Just wanted to drop a line telling y'all ... I'm BACK!