Friday, June 17, 2011

Homemade Sausage Rolls!

Yesterday I made my first attempt at homemade Sausage Rolls! Now I should be clear. I do not like sausage rolls!! I find them flavorless and just kinda nasty. These on the other hand were full of flavor and just pretty fantastic (not to toot my own horn). I should also mention, when I cook I don't use a recipe and I don't measure anything. It's a gift I learned from my mom and grandma. I highly encourage you to do the same! It's awesome to be able to get to the point while cooking to be able to look in the fridge, see what's there and throw together an amazing meal! I feel great accomplishment when I am able to do that, especially when I'm doing it on a budget!

When I woke up yesterday morning sausage rolls were not in my plan but it was a rainy dreary day and I had to bake or cook something! After my beloved morning coffee I set off to the kitchen and opened the fridge! After a minute of examining what was in there Sausage Rolls is what came to mind! I had a package of ground pork which is not a normal ingredient for me to have in my fridge and I had a can of Pillsbury Biscuits that my mom gave me (another ingredient I normally would never had). I added a small package of ground beef with the pork to make it go a little further.

To start off I chopped and sauteed about 1 large onion with garlic in olive oil, near the end I added 2 ice cubes of white wine that I had in the freezer because it needed a little moisture. When the onions and garlic were on the stove I mixed my ground pork and beef with 1 heaping tbsp of Dijon mustard, 1/2 cup of crushed croutons (or you could use breadcrumbs), 2 small eggs, salt and pepper. When the onions were cooked and nice & soft, I cut 3 fresh sage leaves very finely and added them to the onion just to warm and soften them. I moved the cooked onion, garlic and sage onto a plate to cool but I am not a patient person so they were still warm to the touch when I added them to the meat mixture. I mixed it all together let it sit as I rolled out the biscuits. I should have taken some pictures of that but I forgot. Oops! I made little logs with the meat and wrapped them in the biscuit dough. I had the oven pre-heating at 350F and put them on a greased cookie sheet (the first few I didn't grease it and they stuck so I highly recommend greasing!). I cooked them for about 30 minutes. They were golden and the meat inside had cooked through!

After I made the Pillsbury Biscuit Sausage Rolls I made some Gluten Free Biscuit mix and made some Gluten Free Sausage Rolls. They turned out very different than the Pillsbury ones but still very good. We try to eat gluten free as much as we can in our house. The GF ones are awesome on they're own but if you compare them to the Pillsbury they are disappointing! HAHA! Because of the gluten the Pillsbury Sausage Rolls were chewy and soft ... just amazing but the GF ones are more crumbly and don't have the chewiness. Still without comparing the two the GF ones turned out awesome! I got 8 Pillsbury Sausage Rolls (the package comes with 8 biscuits) and 8 Gluten Free Rolls out of all the meat. It made a very big batch!

I sent this picture to my husband at about 11 and told him what I had made, I asked if there was anyway he could pop home for lunch and he was more than happy to make that work! It was a treat to see him for a few minutes during the day! Greg is crazy for these. The kids were okay with them, maybe if I made them smaller they would like them more? 

I'll be making these again, once in a while for a treat (mostly for Greg cause I love him! HA!)


1 comment:

  1. i am so making these.
    i am certain chris will be thanking you.

    and hey, next time if for some reason greg can't make it home, feel free to text me a picture and i'll pile my kids in the van and we'll be right over ;)

