Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Understanding HIS Plan!

Sometimes we hit rough patches in life and I find myself asking God what HIS plan is for me, for us, my family!! I know he only gives us as much as we can handle but I do find myself looking up to the sky asking "God please show me what you want me to do". I also find myself not being able to carry some of life's burdens and giving them to God. Sometimes I do feel the peace I'm looking for but other times I don't. I know God is here for me and I feel his love. I want to be able to give to him more completely as I still try and have control over things. The serenity prayer is such an amazing prayer and I find myself saying it daily

"God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change, 
courage to change the things I can
and the wisdom to know the difference."

Isn't that amazing? To apply that to everyday life is an absolute blessing! To truly accept what I can't change and have the courage to change what I can!! WOW! And of course the wisdom to know the difference just ties to all together! I am so very thankful for my faith, I honestly don't know where I'd be without it. On hard days or periods of time it's what gets me through, knowing that everything is happening exactly as it's meant to! That it's all HIS plan for me! I will continue to ask for his guidance and that he will open my heart to hear what he wants of me. I know he will always lead me down the right path.


  1. i think the hardest part is the not knowing.
    the needing to trust.
    the faith.

    i'm still learning how to truly let go and allow him to lead.

    it's a daily struggle, where most days i tend to push him aside as i try to take the lead. cuz i know better- right?!

    it's the days when i fall back and allow him to speak that i truly find joy. i truly find peace. truly find love. no matter the circumstances i find myself in.
    when I allow Him to BE, everything else fades away.

    love you friend!

  2. amen, sister!

    I loved this post (and your new blog!) and I can completely relate to the feelings you express here. The only thing I know for sure is that when I finally release "whatever" it is to God, I know that there's no one else who wants better for me than Him-our father in heaven. I agree, we would be lost without our relationship/faith in Him here-and-now.
    Sara sent me :) and I'll be back, love your style of writing & expression.
